Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sloan Clinic Student Athlete Of The Week for February 3, 2012

Student Name: James Bernskoetter
High School: Calvary Lutheran High School
Gpa: 3.63

Sports: 4 year basketball player 4 year baseball player

Achievements: James is the captain of the basketball team, senior class president, member of key club, member of Future Teachers of America.

Reason For Nomination: James is a leader on the court, baseball field, and in the classroom. He has a Christian attitude that makes other students look up to him. He leads by example and not by words. He has worked hard in the classroom and also in the off season working on improving his basketball and baseball skills.

Plans After School: He plans on attending Lincoln to get his per-engineering degree and then later attend University of Missouri-Rolla to obtain his engineering degree.

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